The Return of the Blog


You may have forgotten about me, admittedly I forgot about you, my loyal loving followers. Its been about two years since we have last had connect and a lot has changed.

This past summer I moved to Columbus with Blake, Peyton and Luke(claire). We lived in a 3 bedroom house with 4 people, crazy right? Blake slept on an air mattress in the living room, but most mornings I woke up and he was sleeping on the floor due to a hole in the mattress. We went on many adventures which included a wild night in a bar called Bristol where I hit a mean stanky leg time and time again... One thing I wish I could share was our experience in PBR, but we made a pack to never tell, I will say this Claire was not happy that night. 

I moved to work for a company called NetJets where I had a truly transforming professional and personal experiences. I worked in the Market Research department where I got to complete several interest projects to the organization. Me and my mom took a trip in a private jet, yes it was 35 minutes and no none of my friends have rode in a PJ so they can stop hating.

This is a good start to my comeback season, please drop some comments on content you would like me to cover next. 


  1. I am so glad to hear about your summer experience Cade! I love how your friends and you are so close that you lived with them in a 3 bedroom household. Especially that Blake kid... seems like a character! You definitely got a good bunch kiddo!

  2. This dude is a FRAUD. Only posts once every decade. Who would ever follow this blog


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