Park At your own risk

This week  I want to dedicate the blog to a very pressing issue on campus, parking passes and tickets. I have seen a countless number of people post their tickets on Snapchat. People are frustrated with Public Safety. I have not received a parking ticket this year however am I annoyed like most. the reason I am annoyed lies with the people posting their tickets. I really do not care if you received a ticket and how much it was. 

I am here to offer a solution to this problem. We as students all purchase parking tickets (if we have a vehicle on campus) and only park in the assigned parking lots. this might be a wild idea to some people but hear me out. This might prevent people from getting tickets. If you do not receive a ticket, you keep more money in your own pocket. I am colorblind and I still know where to park. I do park in the wrong lot sometimes, but I am smooth and do not get caught or haven't got caught yet. If you do not get a ticket for a valid reason, then accept it and move on with your life. 

Public Safety you can relax with the tickets as well. My own fraternity brother received a ticket for parking in a spot we pay for. I am sure that we as members are allowed to park there if the house mother is not present. Someone even got a ticket for parking in the correct lot. That seems counterintuitive to me. Aren't you supposed to park in the lot you are assigned to and not get a ticket? 

Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk and I hope you took something away from it today. 


  1. I think this blog might be one of the most impactful I have read in a long time. Not only does it provide a very easy solution to a recurring problem, but it also expresses just how easy it is to prevent tickets. I do believe there are issues with both parties as public safety can do better at checking for parking passes before handing out tickets. As students, we need to step up and not hastily park in spots not reserved for us.

  2. This blog made me laugh out loud I loved it! I am one of the sneaky people, I do not have a parking pass. Also I am also one of the people who has not gotten a ticket. I guess I am just that sneaky in my neon colored car!

  3. This post was hilarious!! I thought it was funny when you mentioned that you also park in the incorrect lot, but your smooth about it. This post put it into words what students should do to avoid parking tickets.

  4. I haven't bought a parking pass since my freshman year and believe it or not the only year I got a parking ticket was also my freshman year. I think the frustration with public safety is that it seems as if parking tickets are there main concern when there ae bigger problems.

  5. I love this lol. I also don't understand how people can get mad knowing that they aren't doing the right thing by not buying a parking permit. Also I know of 2 people just today that got parking tickets. crazy times on campus.

  6. Even though I don’t have a car, I have seen friends and roommates being frustrated throughout the years because of parking. They will often get agitated about sudden restrictions. Some of the students I have talked to can’t afford getting strict parking tickets due to their own financial needs. I agree that parking rules should be more relaxed to an extent. Of course, students should be held accountable when accidentally bumping a car. I don’t mean this as an insult, but some students are still beginner drivers and should be given help, not tickets. Again, I do not drive so I cannot speak for most student drivers.


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