Another Algorithm

In a previous blog I discussed Facebook's Algorithm. This week I want to focus on Twitter's. In 2015, Twitter switched to a timeline that was more user friendly. The new algorithm focuses on the user and uses a scoring system to put information that the user wants to see on their timeline. The categories they use are recency, relevancy, engagement, graphics, followers and location. 

I never really thought about algorithms and how they worked before these last couple chapters. Being able to know how certain posts reach my timeline has really opened my eyes. It makes so much more sense why I see certain content on my timeline, now knowing it's not just a coincidence. I love my timeline and the content I see, no complaints here.

My favorite time to look at my timeline is when the Cleveland Browns are playing or after a win. All I see is the Dawg Pound faithful's reactions to the game. Sometimes I get lost on there and next thing I know I've spent 30 minutes aimlessly scrolling. 

This class has really opened my eyes to the reality of social media and how it works. I think understanding how the algorithm works will be advantage for me. I can manipulate the platform to show content that I want to see. 


  1. I agree! Understanding the algorithm scores content based on recency, relevancy, engagement, graphics, followers and locations not only helps you as a user but also as a marketer. It doesn't seem like it should be this complicated, but if there was no algorithm, we could never see the content we are actually interested in. I definitely have a new perspective on social media after taking this class also.


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