Home for the weekend

    The football team had a bye this Saturday. This meant I got to go home for the weekend for the first time since I arrived here on August 9th. It is crazy to think that was almost two months ago. It feels like I was moving in for my sophomore year of college just yesterday. At the same time, it has felt awhile since I got to see my friends. 

    A typical weekend in a small town of Carey is eventful, this weekend was no exception. Friday night I was hanging with some friends and didn't make it to bed until about 2:30 in the morning. I could not remember the last time I was up that late. Saturday's I am usually too tired from the game to be out that late. 

     Saturday morning, I got up and went to a JV football game. It was not the most fun way to spend part of my morning, but it was great to see family. I do not get to see them very often since I am only home for the holidays, it feels like. This night I set out for Findlay to meet a friend at his college. All and all we had a goodnight. 

    Sunday was a more relaxed dat spent with my mom. I had not seen her prior to Sunday, she was camping and just got back. We mostly talked and played card games, that I won of course. 

    Monday Morning, I packed my car and headed for Ada to prepare fir another week of football and class. Now that I am here the "normalcy" has returned to my life. It does feel good to get back to the swing of things. 


  1. Glad to see one of the Cade's got to go home for break. I had a soccer game on Saturday and did not make it back to my home in Tennessee, but my mom did come and visit so that was nice.

  2. That is exciting that you were able to visit your hometown and see your family for the break. Often times it leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to finish the semester strong. Fall break seemed to come at the perfect time for you and football team.


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