The social media strategy

    There are so many ways you can do a social media campaign. Through Stukent and the Mimic Social simulation I had a great opportunity to explore different campaigns and the results you can get.  It was a great experience that taught me a lot. I did several different experiments to test to see how the simulation would react. I wish we would have more time to test how it would react over a long period. 

    We only got to do three rounds with the organic posts, influencers, and paid social posts put together. I really liked the aspect of using these three styles of posts to build your underperforming social medias up and making them perform well. I know it takes more time and effort, but I felt like with what the company sold and how they worked the underutilized or underperforming accounts had great potential to grow and be a huge cash cow. 

    I think that implementing my own social media strategy was huge to understanding how social media promotion works. Since I am a marketing major it also gives me an insight to what I would be doing if I chose to go down this road. I can honestly say I do not want to go down this road. I do not really enjoy these activities. However, it was a great opportunity to learn social media marketing. 


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