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Opportunity is endless

     Friday I am leaving Ada and traveling to Athens, Ohio. My brother is graduating with his undergraduate degree from Ohio University on Saturday. Where I am from high school graduation is maybe an hour and a half long, this is due to only having around 60 people per grade. I was just informed by my mother that my brothers college ceremony will be a significant amount longer than our high school graduations. This is unfortunate because I absolutely despise sitting still for long periods of time.      My grandpa was always very adamant that us three grandkids went to college and got degree's. I disagreed with him, we sat and argued this topic many times. I didn't want to go to college to prove him wrong. Thankfully, I gave in and went to college. Even though I am three semesters into college I can see the value of this decision for my life and for my brothers.      My brother is not only getting his undergrad, but he is also already accepted into graduate school and is startin

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